Show Archive

Shop Prep for RF – PST #068
On PST #068, we had guest Ike Zimbel from ZAP, Zimbel Audio Productions, to talk about shop prep for RF. He went over what to do in the shop to facilitate and organize your RF systems before load-in, with specific attn to the new world we are entering. Ike also answered live questions from the audience.
Streamed on Friday, June 20, 2020, at 4:00 PM

I Need Space: A Livestream Queer Music Festival – PST #066
On PST #066 guests Briget Boyle and Genesis Fermin from I Need Space, presented an informative webinar about how they make I Need Space happen and what they have learned from creating a music festival while in quarantine.
I Need Space: A Live Stream Queer Music Festival, in which queer artists from all over bring you music from their own homes, live-streamed to wherever you are, every third Saturday of the month. The festival represents one of the many innovative ways to fill your Covid-19 days...and support independent music.
Streamed on Monday, June 15, 2020, at 8:00 PM

Self-Miking: Can this really be a thing? with Point Source Audio – PST #065
On PST #065, we talked with guests Yvonne Ho and Mac Johnson from Point Source Audio. We went into a deep dive into the company’s patented technology, which aims to help audio teams enable their talent to mic right (on their own)—with minimum fuss and maximum exactness.
Streamed on Friday, June 12, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Lunch with Pete: Riedel Logic and GPIO, deep dive – PST #064
For PST #064 Lunch with Pete, we went into a Riedel Logic and GPIO, deep dive.
Streamed on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, at 12:00 PM

In-Ear Monitors with Marty Garcia of Future Sonics – PST #063
On PST #063, we talked in-ear monitors, the history, single driver vs. multi-driver, protecting your hearing, and more with guest Marty Garcia of Future Sonics.
Streamed on Monday, June 8, 2020, at 8:00 PM

Studio Technologies: Dante Consoles & Intercom – PST #062
On PST #062, we took a dive into Studio Technologies with Dante and intercom solutions. Guests Randy Kelso from Studio Technologies and Brian Ready of CP Communications joined us to chat about field implementation of the Dante enabled announcer consoles as well as their expanded line of intercom and the Model 45DR.
Streamed on Friday, June 5, 2020, at 4:00 PM

On Being a Touring FOH Mixer & Production Manager – PST #061
On PST #061, our panelists discussed being a touring A1 as well as production manager. Guests were Jim Yakabuski (Gwen Stefani and Frampton) and Ryan Lampa (Toby Mac). Our panel went over workflow, balancing and managing teams and most importantly staying positive in a challenging environment.
Streamed on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, at 3:00 PM

eSports Audio – PST #060
On PST #060, we talked eSports audio with guests Jon Steiner, PAA1, Jason Lynch, TVA1, Chris Sakai, A2, George Rudaj, Technical Manager, Mark Brown, Technical Producer, and Pete Erskine, Comms. We went over massive Dante networks, PA vs. TV audio, the mixing of 3 simultaneous streams, and comm system interface.
Streamed on Monday, June 1, 2020, at 8 PM

Spectrum Analysis Methods with RF Venue's Chris Regan – PST #059
On PST #059, guest Chris Regan from RF Venue joined us for a discussion around spectrum analysis methods and tools to deal with specific RF problems.
Streamed on Friday, May 29, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Sony’s latest DWX Digital Series and UWP-D Series Wireless Mics – PST #058
On PST #058, guest Andrew Munitz, Professional Audio Product Manager at Sony Broadcast, presented an introduction to Sony’s latest DWX Digital Series and UWP-D Series Wireless Mics.
Streamed on May 27, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Legos that Light Up – PST #057
On PST #057 "Legos that Light Up," guest Beth Forbes (production manager, corporate event TD) of Apex Productions discussed LED video technology within a show. Beth went over the history of LED technology, the spectacle, and scalability as well as its abilities, limitations, challenges, and answered the live audience's questions.
Streamed on May 22, 2020, at 4:00 PM

FCC Part 74 License – PST #056
On PST #056 Lunch with Pete, we went over the what, when, how, and where, of the FCC Part 74 License with guests Gary Trenda of PWS and Henry Cohen of CP Communications.
Streamed on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 12:00 PM

Smaart Tips and Techniques – PST #055
On PST #055, we had a record-long webinar on Smaart with guests Michael Lawrence of the PSW podcast, Signal to Noise and Jim Yakabuski, independent tour A1 and author. Who covered some of the hottest topics around Rational Acoustics Smaart and system optimization.
Streamed on Monday, May 18, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Shure Axient Digital RF Tech Talk – PST #054
On PST #054 we held an informative talk on Axient Digital RF with guests Michael Johns and Dr. Mark Kenkel from Shure. They covered Quadversity and Frequency Diversity modes, and they recommended best practices for operating digital wireless systems in high noise environments.
Streamed on Friday, May 15, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Set, Shoot, Strike – PST #053
For PST #053, we talked Set, Shoot, Strike, 5 hours to be in, up, and on the air. We discussed remote broadcast production challenges and techniques with topics ranging from sports, special events, and broadcast news. Our panelists included A1 and remote tech manager, Mike Aiello for WGN-TV in Chicago, Nic Dugger, founder of TNDV out of Nashville and co-moderator Rom Rosenblum from Clear-Com.
Streamed on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 4:00 PM

PST Business Lunch discussion with Audira Labs – PST #052
On PST #052, we talked with guest Stephen Kohler, CEO & Founder of Audira Labs LLC. He shared his thoughts on how COVID-19 has brought unprecedented change to the world, affecting our businesses, our communities, and our homes. He discussed three techniques for leading ourselves, our teams, and organizations through these choppy waters.
Streamed on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 1:00 PM

The Audience Experience and Remote Events – PST #051
On PST #051, we discussed the philosophy and ideas for the audience experience at virtual and remote events from the simplest to the most complex. Watch as guest John Featherstone, designer and founding partner of Lightswitch shared his insights and experiences from several of his company's projects of all sizes, and discuss how those bring practical applications to even the most straightforward events.
Streamed on Monday, May 11, 2020, at 3:00 PM

50 Shows in 50 Days…FULL INDEX HERE…
Amazing! On March 20th, we started occupying our time teaching webinars about Practical Show Tech…

Fiber Guy Friday with Jesse Madison – PST #050
On PST #050, we welcomed guest Jesse Madison 'The Fiber Guy.' He covered the basics of fiber optic cable handling, identification, cleaning, testing/scoping, metering, and troubleshooting. We hope this helps empower our viewers with everyday best practices and repeatable procedures that will take the guesswork out of fiber optic handling.
Streamed on Friday, May 8, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Clear-Com LQ and Agent IC meet Agent 99 – PST #048
On PST #048, guests Rom Rosenblum from Clear-Com was joined by Paul Barrett and lead a discussion around configuring the LQ box and Agent IC. The webinar was timed for our audience in Asia and Australian regions.
Streamed on May 7, 2020, at 8:00 PM